Tarkov-Changes Chat Bot
Started in 2019, Tarkov-Changes Bot (previously eft.bot) was the very first chat bot used across Twitch for price checking. The bot is cloud hosted so all you have to do is click the "View Dashboard" button to add your Twitch and/or Discord chats!
If you do not want to use Twitch to login, click here to just add it directly to your Discord
More than just a price-checking bot!
There is a ton of info packed into this bot - utlizing the full Tarkov-Changes API to provide as much data as possible to you and your chat(s)!
Basic Armor Stats
Retrieves the class, durability, and protection zones of an armor.
Ex: !armor slick
Returns: LBT 6094A Slick Plate Carrier is a level 6 armor with a max durablity of 80 and protects the Thorax.
Advanced Armor Stats
Retrieves the effective durablity, move speed, turn speed, and ergonomic penalties.
Ex: !armorstats slick
Returns: LBT 6094A Slick Plate Carrier has an effective durability of 114, a move-speed penalty of -10 , a turn-speed penalty of -2 and an ergonomics penalty of -1.
Ammo Stats
Retrieves in-game ammo flesh and penetration values.
Ex: !astat 9x19 RIP
Returns: The flesh damage of 9x19 RIP is: 102 and the armor penetration is: 2.
Basic Helmet Stats
Retrieves the class, durability, ricochet chance, and protection zones of an helmet.
Ex: !helmet altyn
Returns: Altyn helmet is a level 5 helmet with a max durablity of 45. It has a high chance to ricochet and protects the top, nape, ears.
Advanced Helmet Stats
Retrieves the move speed, turn speed, and ergonomic penalties.
Ex: !helmetstats altyn
Returns: Altyn helmet has a move-speed penalty of -7 , a turn-speed penalty of -17 and an ergonomics penalty of -6. It has high sound reduction and does block headset usage.
Flea Market Checker
Retrieves flea market price.
Ex: !price Slick
Returns: The price of LBT 6094A Slick Plate Carrier (80/80) is: 360,000 roubles.
Price Per Slot Checker
Retrieves price per slot of item based off the flea market.
Ex: !slot Slick
Returns: The price per slot of LBT 6094A Slick Plate Carrier (80/80) is: 40,000 roubles.
Mod Only: Set Cooldown
Sets the cooldown for the bot in seconds.
Ex: !setcd 5
Returns: Cooldown has been set to 5